A Husband's Guide to : Feng Shui

Feng Shui is the study of energy moving throughout your house for a more positive chi... Or something like that. I never really put much stock into Feng Shui until I started thinking about cuddling...(Don't worry about the segue give me a minute and it will all make sense)
When my wife and I first met I had a crappy little 700 sq ft apartment with small furniture and a big tv. After we got engaged she moved in and with everything, from watching tv to eating dinner we were close(hell practically on top of one another). We were young and in love so being all smushed(screw you spell check smushed is a word!) together on a couch was romantic. Brushing our teeth together using one sink was cute. Sleeping in my queen sized bed was snuggle-riffic(ok, I concede on this one spell check, snuggle-riffic is not a word).
Now that we have grown up a little we have more space and nicer things, but I began to realize that these nicer things were making it harder to cuddle. We have a huge reclining couch(yeah I know...) and each side reclines independent of the other so rarely are our two sides in-sync which makes anything more than hand holding a feat of gymnastic greatness. We use separate bathrooms to get ready in the morning so we don't run into each other. We have our own blankets on our bed because each one of us is convinced the other is a blanket hog.
So the nicer things have added a layer of comfort but at what cost? Maybe just maybe a little forced closeness is not a bad thing...
TheHusBlog Definition Pause : Questions About Your Home
- Where do you spend the most time as a couple? Is there room for you there to be intimate(not just sex, I mean touching, cuddling, and dare I say snuggling)
- Do you both get a good night's sleep? Do you enjoy sleeping in the same bed?
- What room do you spend the least amount of time in? Is there a reason why?
- Is there any furniture that you hate? Why?
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